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Effective ways to learn English online

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Learn English grammar

Master that famously tricky English grammar with these easy-to-follow free guides.

English speaking practice

Develop fluency with everyday conversation topics.

Master business English

Learning Business English for your career pays off - literally!

Expand your English vocabulary

Learn practical words for everyday use and specialized topics.

Test your English level for free

Find out your level of grammar with this easy 20-minute English placement test. 

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Speaks Russian (Native)


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52 reviews

Success doesn't come by itself, it has to be planned. We should focus on organizing our life path, its milestones and goals.Please concentrate on real life. I teach students who are determined and willing to work on their self-improvement and are fully prepared to do their homework. The basis of successful English learning is your personal determination, determination and consistency.

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263 reviews

This is The BEST Method For Learning EnglishA lot of people have tried to learn English by studying grammar, reading books, watching movies or TV shows, but still lack confidence and fluency when speaking English. I have worked with students every day for the past 20 years, and most of my students initially felt that reaching fluency was impossible.

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Speaks Ukrainian (Native)


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64 reviews

Certified English language teacher who specializes in General, Business, Financial, and IT English. Assistance with IELTS, TOEFL, CEPT, СPE, CAE, BEC, KET, PET, FCE, etc., private and corporate lessons.Hi everyone! My name is Inessa and I'm a certified English language teacher and methodologist with 10 years of experience who specializes in teaching English for IT, Business, and Finance, consulting and mentoring my learners to pass international tests (TOEFL, IELTS, CEPT, CPE, CAE, BEC, KET, PET, FCE, etc).

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Aug 3, 2022

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Aug 3, 2022

Anastasia competently leads the lesson and correctly determines your initial level. Classes are positive, interesting and productive! Satisfied with the result. Thank you! I recommend.



Aug 3, 2022

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Aug 3, 2022

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Learn English online

Whether you're a complete beginner or an experienced English speaker looking for a refresher course, Preply can help you to learn English online. Learn English the most effective way and reach your language goals faster: take private English lessons from the comfort of your own home!

Table of contents

Why learn English?


Unlock a World of Opportunities and Enrich Your Life
Learning English is like discovering a treasure trove of possibilities. It promises personal growth, career advancement, and a vibrant tapestry of cultures. Welcome to the world of English, where every word is a stepping stone to a brighter future.
The Global Language Tapestry
Imagine being in a bustling café in New York, chatting with an Australian backpacker, and bonding over shared stories from distant lands. Learning English turns you into a global citizen. It's not just a language; it's a passport to connect with minds from all over the world, with over 1.5 billion English speakers worldwide. Dive into conversations that bridge cultures, share experiences, and create lifelong friendships.
Cultural Immersion and Exploration
Interested in delving into Shakespeare's sonnets or savoring Jane Austen's wit? Learning English opens doors to literature, music, movies, and traditions spanning centuries. Immerse yourself in English ballads, iconic novels, and contemporary pop culture. English isn't just words; it's a window into diverse societies.
Your Career's Best Friend
Let's talk business—your business. Learning English isn't just about verbs; it's about seizing opportunities. In a world where international connections fuel success, English proficiency with business vocabulary is crucial. Overcome communication barriers, impress multinational employers, and expand job prospects across industries. From tech to tourism, finance to fashion, English opens doors to professional advancement.
Conquering Challenges, One Word at a Time
Learning a new language can feel like an immense challenge. But fear not, intrepid explorer! The journey might have its highs and lows, but each step gets you closer to fluency. Embrace consistency; carve out time daily for listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Dive into English media – they're not just tools; they're companions on your linguistic journey.
The First Step Toward Mastery
As you reach the conclusion of this comprehensive tour through the wonders of English, remember – the first step is the most challenging, but also the most rewarding. Imagine the excitement of conversing effortlessly, understanding idioms, and securing your dream job. The journey to mastering English is a testament to your dedication and growth.
In conclusion
Learning English opens up a world of wonder through language. It's about enriching your life, expanding your horizons, and unlocking new opportunities. So, take the plunge, pick up that dictionary, enroll in that class, and embark on a transformative journey. The adventure of a lifetime awaits – just say, "Hello, English!"

Basic English lessons: Learn English For Beginners


Embarking on English lessons for beginners introduces you to a captivating language with a rich heritage. English is part of the Germanic language family, alongside German, Dutch, and Swedish, originating from the Anglo-Saxon dialects spoken in medieval England. As a result, you'll come across many familiar words shared among these languages. Although English is technically Germanic, it has assimilated numerous words from Latin and Romance languages like French.
The English vocabulary is significantly influenced by other languages, especially Latin and French. Many English words have Latin or French origins, due to the Norman Conquest in 1066 and the adoption of French as the language of the English elite. This influence has left a lasting imprint, with about 60% of English vocabulary having Latin or French roots.
As a beginner English learner, you may find English pronunciation challenging. However, with practice, it becomes manageable. For example, the "th" sound in "the" and "this" may be unfamiliar. It requires placing the tip of your tongue between your teeth and blowing out air gently. Additionally, the "r" sound in English can be difficult for some learners, as it is often pronounced differently compared to other languages. Mastering the English "r" sound involves practicing the movement of your tongue and producing a distinct, rolling sound.
Another confusing aspect for English learners is the pronunciation of certain letters. For example, the "ough" combination can have different sounds in "through," "thought," and "plough." Similarly, silent letters are common in English, like the "k" in "knight" or the "b" in "subtle."
Stress and intonation patterns are crucial in English. English is a stress-timed language, so stressed syllables are pronounced with more emphasis, while unstressed ones are faster and with less emphasis. Understanding and practicing stress patterns improves spoken English and natural speech.
To communicate fluently in English, familiarize yourself with essential conversational phrases. Start with English greetings, such as "good morning," "good afternoon," "good evening," or "hello." Other fundamental phrases include "How are you?" and "What's your name?" When meeting someone for the first time, introduce yourself by saying "My name is X" or "I am X," and ask for their name by saying "What's your name?" To discuss your origin, use "I am from X," and to ask someone where they are from, say "Where are you from?"
For farewells, "goodbye" or "bye" are commonly used, while "see you soon" and "see you later" provide alternatives. Learning phrases like "please," "thank you," "excuse me," and "sorry" enables smoother communication with native English speakers.

Learn English Verb Conjugations: Mastering English Verbs


Verbs form the foundation of any English sentence, allowing you to express actions and states. English verbs undergo conjugation, which involves changing the verb form based on the subject performing the action. English verbs have rely more on auxiliary verbs and verb phrases to indicate tense and mood.
English verbs can take various forms, such as the base form (e.g., "to do," "to be," "to eat," "to speak"), the present tense (e.g., "do," "am," "eat," "speak"), the past tense (e.g., "did," "was," "ate," "spoke"), and the future tense (e.g., "will do," "will be," "will eat," "will speak").
To use English verbs correctly, it's essential to understand their conjugation patterns and how they change based on the subject and tense. While English verbs do not have as many distinct endings, they still undergo changes. For example, in the present tense, the verb "to do" changes to "I do," "you do," "he/she/it does," "we do," "you do," and "they do." In the past tense, it changes to "I did," "you did," "he/she/it did," "we did," "you did," and "they did."
Mastering English verb conjugations is crucial for effective communication in English, and a significant portion of your learning journey will be dedicated to understanding the grammar of English verbs. Once you grasp this aspect, you'll be well on your way to fluency in English.

English Nouns and Gender: Understanding Gender in English

  In English, nouns do not have grammatical gender like they do in Spanish. Unlike Spanish, where every noun is classified as either masculine or feminine, English nouns are gender-neutral by default. Gender in English refers to the biological or social classification of people, rather than grammatical gender assigned to nouns.
While English nouns do not have inherent gender, there are cases where gendered words are used to describe people based on their sex or gender identity. For example, "man" and "woman" are used to refer to adult males and females, respectively. However, it's important to note that these terms are not grammatical gender assignments for nouns.
In English, nouns are not accompanied by definite articles that indicate gender. Instead, the definite article "the" is used for both masculine and feminine nouns, as well as gender-neutral nouns. For example, "the woman" and "the man" both use the same definite article "the." Similarly, "the chair" and "the sofa" also use the same definite article "the."
Adjectives in English do not change based on the gender of the noun they modify. They remain the same regardless of whether the noun is masculine or feminine. For example, the adjective "red" is used to describe both masculine and feminine nouns, such as "the red book" and "the red table." The plural form of the adjective is also the same for all nouns, such as "the red books" and "the red tables."
Learning English nouns does not involve memorising gender classifications (as, e.g., in Spanish). Instead, it focuses on understanding the meaning and usage of individual words. English adjectives do not require agreement with nouns in terms of gender or number. Instead, they serve as descriptive words that can modify any noun without changes in form.
As you embark on your journey to learn English, understanding noun usage and the role of gender in English will help you develop strong language skills. Keep in mind that English does not assign grammatical gender to nouns, and the focus is primarily on understanding the meaning and usage of individual words within the context of communication.

Differences Between English Varieties: British, American, and Australian

  You may already be aware that there are variations in English vocabulary across different English-speaking regions, such as the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia. However, you might be curious about the extent and significance of these differences. Is it necessary to learn a specific form of English, such as British English or American English?
The good news is that, for the most part, different varieties of English are mutually intelligible. This means that speakers of British English can communicate with speakers of American English and vice versa without major difficulties.
However, there are some differences in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary among regional varieties of English. For example, different regions have distinct terms for "elevator." In British English, it's called a "lift," while in American English, it's referred to as an "elevator." Australian English speakers use the term "lift" as well. These vocabulary variations extend to localized slang and terms for everyday objects, adding unique flavor to different regions of the English-speaking world. Exploring these differences can be fascinating and provides insight into how language adapts to different cultures.
Regarding pronunciation, there are notable variations. For instance, British English speakers often pronounce the "r" sound in words like "car," while many American English speakers omit it or pronounce it more subtly. Additionally, the intonation patterns and accents differ across regions, leading to distinct speech patterns.
In terms of grammar, there are some differences as well. For example, the present perfect tense is commonly used in British English, while American English tends to use the past simple tense in similar contexts. Additionally, there are variations in verb forms and spellings, such as "colour" (British English) versus "color" (American English).
These examples highlight a few distinctions between British English and American English. As you progress in your English learning journey, you'll encounter more variations, allowing you to appreciate the richness and diversity of the English language across different regions. The key is to embrace these differences and adapt your language skills to be understood in various English-speaking contexts.

What's the Quickest and Easiest Way to Learn the English Language?

  What's the best and simplest method to learn English? There's no definitive answer to how you can acquire a new language. With numerous options available, it's no surprise that selecting a learning style or approach can be overwhelming. The fastest and easiest way to learn English is the one that minimizes difficulties. If you find textbook reading tedious or get bored with flashcards, it might be better to choose a more engaging and exciting method. Understanding your own preferences is crucial for success.
Among the millions of non-native English speakers and learners, you'll encounter individuals who have utilized various resources to grasp the language. Some resources are free, while others come at a low cost or require a significant financial investment. There is no correct combination, and it's up to you to determine the most suitable methods. Here are a few methods to rapidly learn English:
Learning English with a Private Tutor: Private tutoring offers personalized learning experiences similar to traditional classrooms. Having a skilled tutor by your side can help you improve your pronunciation and focus on areas where you struggle. Many tutoring sessions take place via video calls, eliminating the need for in-person meetings.
Online English Courses, Classes, Software, or Apps: Access paid or free online resources and websites for learning English, including courses, classes, software, or apps.
Learning English in the Classroom: English is widely taught in schools and universities globally. Classroom English learning is a popular choice for students of all ages, providing interactive sessions with teachers who can correct mistakes and offer feedback. Additionally, interacting with fellow learners facilitates conversation practice.

How Can I Learn English on My Own? — Useful Resources for Learning English

  When English classes, teachers, or native speakers aren't accessible, there are still numerous English media resources to aid your path to fluency. Many of these resources are available for free online or at low costs through subscriptions to platforms like Netflix or Spotify.
Books to Learn English: If you enjoy reading, there is a wide range of English literature that can help you master the language. English books cater to all skill levels, from beginner-level short story collections to advanced works of fiction or non-fiction. Reading books in English allows you to progress at your own pace and expand your vocabulary. Reading aloud can also provide speaking and
pronunciation practice.
Learning English with Podcasts, Songs, and Audio Resources: English podcasts offer a natural way to hear the language spoken by native speakers. From beginner-level grammar podcasts to advanced storytelling podcasts, there are plenty of options available, many of which are free. Listening to English songs also aids language acquisition, especially when combined with reading the lyrics and using them for further practice.
Learning with English TV Shows and Movies: Watching English movies and TV shows provides an engaging way to connect with the language. Streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime offer a wide variety of content for different proficiency levels. Subtitles can be used to aid reading comprehension, and pausing to look up unfamiliar words enhances learning. Breaking up the content into manageable chunks helps prevent overwhelm.
Free Online English Classes, Software, and Apps: There is an abundance of free English content available online and through mobile apps. From grammar wikis to forums and classes, you can find numerous options. However, be aware that free products often sacrifice quality and may lack listening and speaking practice. Interactive lessons can be basic, poorly designed, and filled with ads. Therefore, it's crucial to supplement such resources with additional materials.
English Flashcards and Phrasebooks: English flashcards are portable and enable practice anytime. Similarly, English phrasebooks provide practical expressions for real-life situations, such as ordering at restaurants or asking for directions. Carrying a pocket phrasebook while traveling can be convenient. Remember, while flashcards and phrasebooks are valuable learning tools, they cannot teach you spontaneous language usage in conversations. For that, you need to engage in real English dialogues.

Learning English With Preply


Preply is an online platform that connects students with language tutors from all over the world. It is a great way to learn English for a number of reasons:

• You can learn at your own pace. With Preply, you can schedule lessons with your tutor whenever you want, so you can fit your learning into your busy schedule. • You can choose a tutor who is a native English speaker. This is important for getting the most accurate pronunciation and grammar instruction. • You can get personalized attention. Your tutor will be able to focus on your specific needs and help you improve your English at your own pace. • It is affordable. Preply lessons are much more affordable than traditional in-person English classes.
If you are interested in learning English with Preply, here are the steps you need to take:
Create a free account on Preply. • Search for English tutors in your area or in a specific country. • Filter your search results by criteria such as price, experience, and teaching style. • Read the tutor profiles and watch their video introductions to learn more about them. • Book a trial lesson with a tutor to see if they are a good fit for you.
If you are happy with the trial lesson, you can then book regular lessons with your tutor. We offer a variety of payment options, so you can find a plan that fits your budget.

Frequently asked questions

The internet can be a great resource when it comes to learning to speak English. The best approach depends on what you want to learn. If you're focused on vocabulary, apps that introduce commonly used words can be handy. Having a tutor is a great way to get regular practice if you want to learn to hold a conversation. You can also learn natural and fluent sentence structure. You can also use online forums to meet other English learners and get quick answers to your questions. If you want an easy way to start straight away, try listening to music with English lyrics.
There are lots of free resources online that can help supplement your learning, but they often work best as a complement to professional classes or tutoring. While apps and websites can be a great way to refresh your vocabulary, learning to speak English fluently requires lots of conversations! Having a personal tutor means having someone who will pick up on small mistakes so that your speech sounds more natural and also gives you the chance to ask questions and get instant feedback.
If you're looking for an English tutor online, you need to make sure you're looking at websites you can trust. Be wary of personal blogs, unverified sites or AI-generated content as it can be easy to pick up misinformation. Preply lets you look through multiple different tutor profiles so you can find a professional offering the skills, qualifications and areas of expertise you need. You can also compare different hourly rates for online English lessons so you can match your learning to your budget.